Sperm whale physyter – The kind giant of the Greek Seas

The unknown giants of the Greek seas. An accidental meeting becomes the motive for our mission and the dream comes true beside the champions of our water world.

Σχετικά Exclisive
Εxclusive video 5

Εxclusive video 5

Find out more about sperm whales

Why do sperm whales turn on one side? How are they affected by the frequent presence of the ships?

Εxclusive video 6

Εxclusive video 6

Join the sperm whales

We swim side by side with the sperm whales and have a brief idea of their underwater life.

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Εxclusive video 7

Research programme

The most important research programme of “Pelagos” Cetacean Research Institute.

Εxclusive video 8

Εxclusive video 8

A trip in the underwater world of sperm whales

Have a very close look at the sperm whales!